Sunday, April 06, 2003

Sorry for posting after a long time but things got a bit tight 'round here. You see I got a new manager (did I talk about that before?).
And the things with the new guy are not all hunky-dory. Interesting fellow. One who wants to see a bug closure count of 5 every week (ie one per day). I tried to (gently) point out that this is insane. 'Nonsense', he retorted. Apparently we all are very 'talented', full of 'potential' and on our way to become great 'professionals'. As they say, the road to hell is lined with good intentions... He has these notions like 'higher management are the guiding people, developer are just executors'. Interesting notion, that. Especially since developers actually write the code. Straight out of Dilbert. Sigh.
Still, I'm here on a sunday, trying to make sense out of a SQL query and why it is doing what it is doing. Not one of the more agreeable ways to spend a sunday (as opposed to, say, being totally drunk) but then I need to have 3 bugs done by monday. Ahem, I feel I must also mention I did kinda goof off on friday, playing with perl scripts. But that was from the exhiliration (and exhaustion) of closing 2 bugs on Thursday! Not a very arguable argument, so I'm here...
These days I'm off slashdot, instead occasionally reading up memepool. Other sites I frequent are Infact it is high time I update my website. Almost been 2 years since I last updated it. I'm not sure though if I want to link to my blog from my website. Heck, management might get to see it, and that wouldn't be a good idea. Indeed.
I have started to get along with him a bit, I guess because I'm working extra hard now and closing bugs faster than before. The moment the bug rate drops, it'd be different. Still let's see...


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