Thursday, February 20, 2003

Hah! Script done! And I managed to catch one error in my code before it shipped out :-|. Would have been embarassing if it got out. Maybe the US guy *is* pretty smart. So now off to verify the changes in my code and then create the patch.

I Hope I can leave by 1 am and then sleep till 12 tomorrow! yay!

On a side note gnome 2.2 packages for Debian woody were released today. Mebbe I'll try them out before going. Gnome 2.2 is supposed to look real good as screenshots at gnome art promise.

Today I also want to take my print-out of SICP [online copy] home so I can grok it over the weekend. SICP, for the uninitiated, is the classic `Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs' book written by three MIT professors, Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. It teaches the Scheme programming language, a dialect of LISP (with some other features thrown in).

For knowing more about LISP, and why it is one of the most loved languages, check out Paul Graham's website. All of his articles are good, but take a special look at Revenge of the Nerds and Taste for Makers. I'm still trying to learn Scheme (and hoping to get some grasp of Lisp via that route too); one of the big wins for me would be in the fact that Lisp is the scripting language of Emacs. Then rather than just muddling around copying people's .emacs and distorting them to my needs, I could write stuff to exactly suit my needs, the way it was meant to be :-)

Well this is me signing off now, and a very g'night (or pleasant day, depending on your TZ variable) :-)


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