EGB is nearing it's end
I'm almost towards the end of EGB (Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid). I've immensely enjoyed reading the book, even though I did gloss over the parts where it required me to do some math. I guess I'd be coming back to it sometime again and finishing all the exercises and puzzles.
Which is what I did with The Emperor's New Mind. Tried reading it twice in college, but got stuck in the heavy maths and started skipping the maths. After sometime the book stopped making sense. So gave up. After coming to hyderabad bought myself a copy, sat down and finished the damn thing :)
Another book I've been reading is The Art of Living. Translation of a work by Roman philosopher Epictetus, it has been having quite an impact on me. Simple, direct and powerful. Borrowed it from one of the managers at my workplace, who is pretty well read. Not many people of his ilk around ;-)
Finishing SICP is next on the agenda :D
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