Tuesday, November 05, 2002

These are the voyages of ShadowFax, an indian software developer in (surprise!) india. His continuing mission: To write new software, to write it under GPL and to boldly go where almost all hackers have gone before.

ShadowFax recently got out of college, and is working for a MNC (Multi National Corporation) in india. Having just got out of college, shadowfax is pretty much an idealist; this is getting shattered as he is exposed to the corporate culture.

ShadowFax strongly believes in GNU and the Free Software Foundation. These days, however, he is not writing Free Software, but closed source proprietary stuff. Which is keeping him down.

I (I, the ShadowFax) created this blog so that I could share my daily experiences, joys and frustations with other people, but most importantly, with myself. Hope you enjoy the ride...

regards -- /SF If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?


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